Suicide to Success: 

A Survivor’s Keynote

Why do market leaders such as Addictions & Mental Health Ontario and the Mental Health Commission engage Twitchy, a man living with Tourette Syndrome to speak at their conferences?

Stuart Ellis-Myers inspires real results

Suicide to Success:
A Survivor’s Keynote

Don’t Buy the Lie—LIVE! 

From 2000 to 2016, the national working suicide rate increased by 34% (CNN) —   

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people
  • For every suicide, there are at least 100 failed attempts
  • 14% of high school students have contemplated suicide

So many people’s lives have been impacted by suicide. A family member. A colleague. Maybe even yourself. Would you be surprised to know that Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Billy Joel and Elton John are just some of the many people who have turned suicide into success.

For many years I suffered silently with the constant urge to commit suicide. I’ll never forget when that overwhelming need to kill myself went away. It felt like standing in dark heavy rain, ready to jump into oblivion then being hit by lightning.

After four failed suicide attempts I cried out ‘what now?’. My life saving solution was to help others navigate the needless suffering of mental health challenge and suicide. This keynote is my life’s work journaling all of the insights and actions I used to step by step GPS navigate through suicide to success.  

So get ready to take a deep dive to travel down into where I hit SUICIDAL ROCK BOTTOM. Here in this loneliest of places, I will share all of the life-long lessons and experiences I have learned on how to overcome and live with anxiety, depression, bipolar and Tourette Syndrome.  

Resurface ready to help others on how to go from suicide to success.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Seek professional help now
  2. Paths of healing and recovery
  3. Suicide Signs & Symptoms
  4. The blame game of ‘shame’
  5. Suicide & Secondary Gain
  6. Unlearn – learned helplessness
  7. Forgive Yourself
Suicide to success keynote performance

“…Fabulous! Moving! Exactly what we were seeking to launch our conference…
Janis Cramp, Hons. B.Comm, Sr. Manager, Member Relations & Projects; Addictions Mental Health Conference,
Addictions & Mental Health Ontario

“…Thank you for being such a great leader in the mental health field. A true joy to get to see you speak today. Loved the way you engaged the audience. You got personal, real yet kept it light hearted. Full of lived experience insights…”
Sapna Mahajan, MPH, PMP, CHE, Director, Office of the President & CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada

Suicide to success keynote performance